How to Create a New Menu Item

This lesson will go through the steps of setting up a new menu item. Menu items are displayed in a hierarchical format and allow the user to store data views that can be displayed for easy use.

Menu Management Interface
  1. Navigate to Admin > Menu Management. This lists all of the menus in Asset Vision in a hierarchy structure.
  2. The user can click on the triangle next to menu items to expand the listing down the hierarchy.

Add a New Menu Item

Add a New Menu Item

To add a new menu item the user can either:

  1. Click the Add Menu Item button
  2. Right-click on a menu item in the list and select Insert

Either method will bring up the Add Menu Item form, but using method (2) will auto-populate the Parent Id field as noted in the following step.

Completing Menu Item Form

Add Menu Item Form

After a new Menu Item creation action is initiated, the Menu Item form will appear. It will allow you to fill out the fields necessary to complete the menu item.

  1. Item Name: Choose a name for your new menu item.
  2. Parent Id: This is the parent menu that the new menu item will appear under (If the user selected the second method in the step above you will see that the Parent Id was auto-populated with the name of the menu item selected to insert the new item).
  3. Component: When the user selects certain components, a corresponding configuration menu may appear.
  4. Item Icon: Option to select any of a number of available icons to be assigned to the menu item.
  5. Hide Navigation: This control will determine whether or not the left-hand navigation tree will be hidden (collapsed) or shown (expanded) after the menu item is loaded. If the menu is collapsed by default, it can be opened using the ">>" button. The menu will stay open until the entire page is refreshed, or until the "<<" button is pressed, which will hide the menu again.
  6. Component Configs: Depending on the Component selected, the Component Configuration menu will offer different options for selection. In the case of the dashboard component, the user selects an existing dashboard and the number of columns for the dashboard portal. The user can also type in a new dashboard name instead of choosing an existing one. Dashboards are explained in greater detail in this lesson.
  7. Preview: Click to see what the completed menu item will look like.
  8. Export: Exports the menu item as a .csv file.
  9. Click the Save button to add the new menu item.

Drag and Drop Menu Items to Move Them

Drag and Drop Menu Items to Move Them

If the user wants to change the placement of a menu item they can select it and drag and drop it in a new location on the menu hierarchy.