Personal Settings

This lesson will show you how you can customize your settings in Asset Vision® according to your personal preferences.

Home Tab

Home Tab

The Home tab contains all the menus that allow you to customize Asset Vision® according to your personal preferences.  

"Available actions" lists all the menu items you can use to personalize your settings.

  • Popular Places displays frequently visited places in Asset Vision within the last 30 days. Initially this menu will be empty if you have not navigated throughout the site yet.
  • My Details lets you add additional data to your profile such as your name and email.
  • Change Password allows you to change your password.
  • Two Factor Authentication: When enabled, allows you to set up two-factor authentication for user accounts for additional security.
  • My Settings allows you to set site wide personal preferences.
  • My Alerts: When enabled, will show alerts that are related to you as an Asset Vision user.
  • My Filters displays all filters you have saved and allows you to delete them.
  • My Scope Settings: Shows any scope that was saved in the product visible only to you as the Asset Vision User.
  • My Menu allows you to change what menu items, tabs and sub-menus, are displayed for you in Asset Vision®.

My Details

My Details

My Details allows editing of User ID, name, gender, phone numbers, and email address.

Change Password

Change Password

Change Password grants the ability to change current password provided the current password is already known.

  1. Enter the your current password. If you have forgotten your password, please contact your System Administrator. If you are a System Administrator, please reset your password at the password reset form.
  2. Enter and confirm your new password.
  3. Click OK to save the changes.

My Settings

My Settings

The My Settings menu allows Asset Vision users to customize how they will interact with the user interface. Settings include:

  • Items per page: Change the default setting for the number of items per page that are displayed when viewing a data view.  Keep in mind that changing this value to display a large number of items will result in a longer loading time for the data view.
  • Auto-save personalization: Asset Vision® allows you to personalize your data view settings.  When displaying a data view you can modify settings such as the size, visibility, and order of columns.  A button at the bottom of the screen allows you to save these personalizations.  If you select to Auto-save personalization any personalization changes you make will be automatically saved.
  • Auto-refresh data: When displaying a data view you can click the refresh button to reload the data in the view.  If you select "Auto-refresh data" then the view will automatically refresh any time the data is determined to be stale.
  • Click to edit in grid: Some data view entries can be edited directly in the data view without selecting to open the record for editing.  This setting determines whether a singe-click or double-click enters the cell for editing.
  • Confirm Abandon Changes: By default, Asset Vision® will prompt you to save changes if you take an action that would cause you to lose changes you've made.  For instance, if you edit cell values in a data view and then go a page forward in the data view, or navigate to another data view, you will be prompted to save your changes and continue, continue without saving changes, or to cancel and remain where you are on the data view.
  • Start UI from menu item: By default, Asset vision® will start with the Popular Places menu item, but you can change this behavior by selecting a different menu item to start from when you first log in.
  • Time Zone: This setting allows you to set the time zone to your current/permanent local. It allows fields in dataviews with "timestamp" type columns to show the local time zone, in order to more easily read reports.

My Alerts

My Alerts

The My Alerts section, when enabled, allows you to manage alerts that have been assigned to you as your AV user. From this view you can view details about the alert, as well as resolve the issues within the context of the Asset Vision Alerts reporting.

My Filters

My Filters

My Filters displays all of the data view filters that the user created. From this menu a user can delete their custom data view filters.

My Scope Settings

My Scope Settings

My Scope Settings displays the scopes filters that the user has saved. From this menu a user can delete their custom Scopes filters.

My Menu

My Menu

My Menu lists the Menu Visibility Settings and allows the user to Manage Menus. The Menus that are checked under Menu Visibility Settings will be displayed as tabs in the header.