How to Import From a Database

This lesson provides steps on how to import records from a database into Asset Vision tables using the Importer Wizard.

Open Import Settings on a Data View

Open Import Settings on a Data View
  1. Navigate to a data view and click the Import button at the bottom of that data view.
  2. The import settings will popup.

If the Correct Import Plan exists, Select Import Plan and Import Now

If the Correct Import Plan exists, Select Import Plan and Import Now
  1. If the Import Plan that a user wants already exists, the user can select that plan
  2. and then choose Import Now.

Note: The Import Plan allows the connection to the database AND has a pre-existing user-defined SQL statement used to query that database. If the user wants to do a different SQL query for the same database, they can edit that plan or create a new plan.

Making a New Import Plan for Database Connection

Making a New Import Plan for Database Connection
  1. If the user needs to make a new import plan that will use a database connection, they can select "New Import Plan", "Database Connection", and click "Next".

1. Define Import Plan

1. Define Import Plan

If the user needs to make a new import plan that will use a database connection, they can select New Import Plan, Database Connection and fill out the form:

  1. Database: Select the database from the list of currently supported databases.
  2. Instance Name: The user has the option to enter the name of the server instance here. This field is optional.
  3. Pad: Select a currently existing PAD Server from the dropdown list. If the credentials for the server are stored on a PAD, then select that PAD from the list.
  4. Host: The IP Address of the machine that is hosting the sql server.
  5. Port: The port that will allow the communication between Asset Vision and the server. This port is usually 1433.
  6. SQL: The SQL statement that will be executed to return data stored in the database.
  7. Import Plan Name: A unique and meaningful name for the Import Plan.
  8. Select Next to continue.

2. Source Data Processing

2. Source Data Processing
  1. This step will display a preview of the records that were returned from the database.
  2. If these records do not look correct, then the user can select Back and edit their SQL statement.
  3. After verifying that the data looks correct, select Next.

3. Create Map

3. Create Map

This stage allows the user to map the source data from the database to the table columns in Asset Vision. For an in-depth explanation of mapping, view this lesson.

4. Verification

4. Verification
  1. The Verification stage allows the user to verify that the information that is about to be imported looks correct.
  2. The extra columns that are automatically added are system fields that are necessary in that table.

5. Review and Save

5. Review and Save
  1. The review and save stage allows the user to review the settings of the Import Plan one last time before saving.
  2. If the user wants to run the import plan immediately they can choose Save and Run.
  3. If the user wants to save the import plan for later use and NOT run it immediately, they can choose Save and Finish.

Results from Import

Results from Import

After running the import, the user will be able to view the results in the data view. The screenshot above shows the result of using the Import Plan that was created in this lesson.

Configuration Requirements

These are the requirements for a successful database connection from Asset Vision to the user's database:

  • Firewall should not be blocking UDP traffic to port 1434
  • The PAD chosen in the import plan should show a status of "Connected" in Asset Vision
  • If the credentials are stored on a PAD Server then that PAD must be selected in the import plan
  • The IP of the host must be listed in the IP Range Set in the credentials
  • For SQL Server 2005 or later the SQL Server Browser Service should be running on the host
  • On the server, configure the TCP/IP port to be 1433(or whatever port is selected in the Import Plan) and make sure that connection to that port is Enabled.