How to Create and Edit User Accounts

This lesson explains how to manage user accounts in Asset Vision.

Navigate to User Management
  1. Navigate to: Admin > User Management > Asset Vision Users. This data view displays all of the current users.
  2. To add a new user, click the New button at the bottom of the data view.

Add New Asset Vision User

Add New Asset Vision User

In order to create a new Asset Vision User logon you need to enter the following information.

  1. Login Name: needs to be a valid email address (required)
  2. Role: select the role for the new user (required)
  3. Associated User: Associate a Discovered User profile with the Asset Vision User logon. (optional)
  4. Last login: Leave blank.  This information will populate once the new Asset Vision User logon is used to access the system. (leave blank)
  5. Active: If you do not want this logon used at this time you can deativate it until you are ready to assign it.  Generally you will want to leave this as Active so the logon can be used. (leave as default)
  6. Password needs reset: if selected the user will be prompted to change their password on the first login. (optional)
  7. Password: a password will already be generated for you. You can retain this password or enter your own. (required)
  8. Save: click to save and return to the Asset Vision User listing. Apply: click to save and remain on the form.  Reset: click to reset the form values. Cancel: Return to Asset Vision User listing.

Discovered Users

Discovered Users

The Discovered Users tab contains a list of user profiles for any manually added user profile or those discovered by scanning an Active Directory or LDAP directory system.

  1. Click the Discovered Users tab.
  2. Select a user or users.
  3. Click the Create Asset Vision User(s) button to create a new logon for the selected user profile. The selected user(s) will now have an Asset Vision logon with the default settings and generated password.  You can view/edit this information from the Asset Vision Users tab.  (If the user profile does not have an email address you are prompted to provide and email address to use as the login name.)

Edit User Profile

Edit User Profile

If you click the pencil icon next to a record to edit a Discovered User profile you can view and edit any of the profile information as seen above.