Asset Vision®Asset Vision® Setup and AdminData View ManagementHow to Setup Columns for Currency Conversion

How to Setup Columns for Currency Conversion

This lesson describes the process of setting up columns in an Asset Vision table for currency conversion. The currency conversion feature in Asset Vision allows for immediate conversion from other currencies to the currency specified for the Asset Vision instance during setup.

Setting up Currency Conversion Columns in a Table

Setting up Currency Conversion Columns in a Table

To set up a column that converts a monetary amount from one currency to another currency, three types of columns must exist in the table:

  1. Column that is type date. This column will be used for the date of the currency conversion and is explained later on in this lesson.
  2. Column that is a reference to the cmn_currency table. This column will be used to get the list of available currency to convert from.
  3. Column that is type money. When using a data view to view this table, the values entered for this field will be the monetary amount before conversion. For example, if the user is converting from Euros to their local currency, then the amount in Euros will be entered in this field on the table.

Select Converted Currency Column

Select Converted Currency Column

Right click the record for the column of type money and click Use As Currency Column.

Fill Out Currency Column Configuration Form

Fill Out Currency Column Configuration Form

Fill out the information in the popup:

  • Monetary Amount: This value is always the value in the name field for the record that was right-clicked and selected as currency column.
  • Monetary Currency: Select the record that was the reference to the cmn_currency table from the dropdown menu.
  • Display Amount: Enter the name of the column that will hold the converted.
  • Conversion Date: Select the record that was type date.

After clicking OK a new record will be added in the table with the name of what was entered for Display Amount. Fields in this column of the table will hold the converted monetary amount.

Viewing the Information in the Table

Viewing the Information in the Table

Looking at the data view for the table, the user can view the columns that were just added. If there are no records in this table, the user can add one by clicking New and filling out the form. In this example, the numerical value of 100 was entered for Money, Currency Conversion had USD selected, the Conversion Date was Oct 15, 2014, and Local Amount was calculated to be $100. So in this example, the user wanted to convert 100 USD to USD(the currency that was chosen during the setup of the instance). Since there was no change, the calculated value displayed in Local Amount was $100.

Changing the Currency

Changing the Currency

The user can choose a different currency from the dropdown menu.