How to Resolve No Response from Device

This lesson looks at the most common causes of No Response From Device.

Review the Action Log

Review the Action Log

Occasionally you may see this message in the Action Log. This indicates that the command being issued (in this case a simple Ping) has not reached the device.

When this occurs Asset Vision will Defer the command until a later time. However it is important to understand the possible reasons why a command is deferred.

If the Notes field shows NotNow it indicated that the device was too busy (or in another condition such as being password locked) to reply to the request. The command will be repeatedly tried and should work on a subsequent attempt.

If the Notes filed (as in the example above) says No response from the device generally one of two thinks have happened. Either the device is switched off or is out of battery power, or the device is not visible to the Push Notification service. To trouble shoot the latter condition have the device owner try to access the internet from the device. If this does not work then the device is simply not on a network. If the device is on the network then proceed to the next step to.

Device Can Access the Network - But Problems Persist

Device Can Access the Network - But Problems Persist

If the user can access the network, but the commands from Asset Vision are still not getting through, then the the likely cause is a firewall between the device and the internet blocking activity on ports 5223 or 443. Verify these ports are open before proceeding further.

In the event these ports are open, and the device is still not responding then we need to determine whether the commands are being received and the device in unable to reach Asset Vision with a response, or the commands are simply not being received.

Connect the device to a computer using a USB cable and start iPhone Configuration Utility (see screenshot above).

  1. Once the device has connected you will see it the left hand panel. Select the device.
  2. Ensure the console tab is selected.
  3. If messages are reaching the device they will appear, at almost exactly the same time in the log as when they were issues by Asset Vision.
  4. If they are successfully being processed by Asset Vision, you'll see a MDM Transaction completed message with a status of 200.

If none of these MDM messages appear in this console then the Push Notification service cannot reach the device.

If the MDM messages are being received but the MDM transaction is not completing successfully then a connectivity problem to Asset Vision exists

In either case you should now contact Scalable technical support with these details and a copy of the above log from the device