Agent Status

The Status menu displays all agent machines, update, problem, and various upgrade statuses that are explained in detail below.

Status Overview of Installed Agent

Check the Status of the Agent

The Agent Status Dashboard provides a default summary display of agent status data and can be configured to add additional graphs, charts, and other visual representations of Scalable Agent data.

Machines with Agents View

Machines with Agents view

The Machines with Agents menu displays all machines that have agents installed.  The Quick status column provides a color coded guide for agent status.  

  • Green: agent is up to date and has recently reported in
  • Yellow: agent is out of date and requires update
  • Red: agent has not made contact in more than a week

All other menus organized under the Machines with Agents menu are a subset of this menu but with predefined filters for ease of display and management.

Updated Agents sub view

Updated Agents

Updated Agents displays all machines that have been updated to the latest agent version and have recently reported in.

Problem Status sub view

Check if Device has a Problem Status
  • Problem Status displays all machines with agents that have not reported in within the last week or have reported an error status from the agent.
  • Version Upgrade Pending displays all machines that have been selected for an agent upgrade, but have not yet reported in and upgraded to the Required Version.
  • Non-Current Version displays all machines that have not been upgraded to the latest agent version package.  The Current Package version can be viewed under the Advanced settings in the Agent Configuration menu.
  • Config Update Pending displays all machines that have not been updated to the latest Agent Configuration settings.  The latest Agent Required Config Time can be viewed under the Advanced settings in the Agent Configuration menu.
  • Waiting for Rescan displays the agents that have been instructed to perform a full software and hardware scan after their next scheduled transmit.
  • Waiting for Unninstall displays the agents that have been instructed to uninstall themselves after their next scheduled transmit.
  • Machines without Agents displays all machines that have been discovered in your environment but do not have an Scalable Agent installed.