Normalization Request

If you choose not to attempt to normalize discovered product information yourself for whatever reason, you may submit a Normalization Request form to our Normalization team. Below are the resources required for this request.

Download the Normalization Request Form

Click here to download The Normalization Request Form.
Alternatively, the form is available via the Scalable Software Support Portal.

Fill out the request form

The Normalization Request Form has different tabs for with instructions, a glossary, and the request template required for submission. In the Request Template, there are three main sections that will help complete a successful normalization:

Orange Fields: Discovered Software

The orange-colored fields will need to be populated with the information about the Software Package information discovered in your environment. A Chaklun data view in the Asset Vision UI can help with this task:
It is located in Setup (gear icon)   >> Chaklun >> Normalization >> Local Normalization >> Software Products.

Chaklun - Local Cache Software Products

The four fields shown above correspond to the four orange fields that should be filled out in the form:

  • Discovered Publisher --> Software Package Publisher
  • Discovered Product Name --> Software Package Name
  • Discovered Version --> Software Package Version
  • Product GUID --> Software Package GUID

If any of these fields are not populated, they may be left blank in the request form. If any expected software is not in this data view, this means that the Software Package has not been discovered, or it's already been normalized. See the lessons on How to Normalize Local Software for more information.

Blue Fields: Normalized Software Product

The blue-colored fields will need to be populated with information required to complete the normalization process. The information includes:

  • Official Publisher: Official organization that publishes the software. Best practice for this value is the trademarked name of a publisher typically found at the bottom of a company website.
    Ex: Adobe Systems Inc.
  • OS Package?: Is the software package an operating system? The value for this field should be either "true" or "false".
  • Software Category: Drop-down for selecting appropriate Software Category.  Select 'Vertical/Industry Specific' if unsure.
  • Official Product Name: Name of the software product exactly as shown on the publisher's website. The name should not include the publisher unless that is how it is advertised.
  • Official Friendly Version: Version of the software product exactly as advertised on the publisher's website.
  • Licensable?: Enter 'Licensable' if product was paid for.  Enter 'Not Licensable' if product was free of charge (Components and add-ons are considered Not Licensable unless strong evidence to the contrary).

Enter as much of this information as possible. Information not entered will delay or prevent the package from being normalized altogether.

Green Fields: Optional information

The green-colored fields are optional information that can help speed the turn-around time for the normalization effort. They include:

  • Product Information: A link to information about the software product from the official publisher. Examples include a web URL address to the software product's page on the publisher's website, or an attached PDF showing the specifications for the software product.
  • Executable File Name(s): The path and name of any related executables.
    Ex: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\FireFox.exe

Send Completed form to Scalable Software

Once the form is completed, attach it to an email addressed to [email protected] with the header "Normalization Request". A Normalization Analyst will reply with receipt information, and will update you upon completion of normalization.