Managing Software Authorization

Within an organization, certain software may not be allowed to be installed on any company-owned assets. Asset Vision allows administrators to define which software products are authorized or unauthorized (whitelisted or blacklisted respectively), helping administrators understand the frequency of blacklisted software, and pinpoint the machines on which it is installed.

Product List

The Product Lists sections show discovered, normalized software products related to the enterprise. Each section provides a different view of the discovered software, showing All Products, Authorized products, and Unauthorized products. From any of the views, the authorization status of the software products can be set to Authorized, Unauthorized, or Neither.

All Products

Products List - All Products

The All Products view shows the entire list of normalized software products that have been discovered in the organization. This view is not filtered based on authorization status, and is therefore best suited for software authorization assignment.



The Authorized view draws from the same information as the All Products view above, but filters the results to show only Authorized software products. Authorized software products are indicated by a Green Checkmark (as above).



As with Authorized above, the Unauthorized view draws from the same data, but shows only unauthorized software products. Unauthorized software products are indicated by a Red "Not Sign" (as above).

Assign an Authorization Status

From any of the Product List views, software products may be assigned an authorization status. This can be done via contextual menus for one product, or using the Change Authorization Status button for one or many software products.

Assign and Authorization Status

To assign or change an Authorization Status:

  1. Right-click on a software product, and select Change Authorization Status.

  2. Select one or more software products by marking the checkboxes.
  3. Click the Change Authorization Status button.

Once either of these are performed, a dialog appears:

Change Authorization Status dialog

From here:

  1. Select Authorized, Unauthorized, or Neither.
  2. Enter any optional Notes.
  3. Click Save if finished, or Cancel to return to the selection screen.

Once set, the software products will only appear in the appropriate Product List views. All products will still appear in the All Products view, and Authorization Status will be denoted by their status indicator:

All Products - With Status Indicators