How to Check the Status of a PAD Server

This lesson explains how to check the status of the PAD(Proxy Adapter Discovery) server.

Check if your scan is running (or has already run) by viewing PAD activity

Check if your scan is running (or has already run) by viewing PAD activity

From the Setup > Discovery Status > PAD > PAD Status menu option, you can view the status of a PAD.  If you right-click the row for the PAD, you can choose to Show Activity.

Check the PAD Activity to See if the Scan Job is Running

Check the PAD Activity to See if the Scan Job is Running

The PAD Activity screen will show you which jobs are currently running, as well as all the jobs that have ever run.  

PAD Activity Record Fields:

  • Start time: Time when the job started, represented in UTC
  • Start job: Name of the job that started the scan
  • Run Context ID: Internal parameter and can be ignored
  • Note: Result of scan (Job finished successfully, Job failed, etc.)
  • End time: Jobs without end times are currently running, those with end times have completed

If you see that your job is running (or has run), you can be sure that it was submitted correctly.  Instructions for viewing discovery errors are included in the steps below for this lesson.

Additional Recommendations:

  • If you do not see your job, then it may not have submitted it correctly.  Please browse to Setup > Discovery > Scan Jobs > Manage, find the related PAD and scan job, and re-submit
  • If your job finishes with a note other than "Job finished successfully", then you may need to re-submit the job, contact Scalable support, or post a question on Scalable's community
  • For jobs that have not completed (no end time), you can view the details by right-clicking the job row and selecting "Activity Details"