How to Export results in a Data View

Asset Vision has a robust interface that allows the user to tailor most data to be viewed and consumed directly in the UI. However, there are times when using that data in other formats is necessary. In almost all areas in the Asset Vision UI, information can be exported so as to be consumed using other applications and formats.

Export Settings

Export from a Dataview

Exporting from a data view is a simple process that provides a locally-saved file.

In the Asset Vision UI, load the desired data view/report, and click the "Export" button at the bottom of the view. In the Export Settings window, there are a number of settings to help customize the export to your needs, with the most popular defaults provided.

  1. Field Separator: Delimiter used for export file.
  2. Download Options: What data returned in the data view to include in the export.
    • All - All of the data returned in the unfiltered data view.
    • Filtered - All of the data returned in the filtered data view.
    • Page - Only filtered data displayed on the current page of the data view.
    • Selected - Only data that is selected in the returned data view.
  3. Date Format: The desired output of format for any date/time fields.
  4. Quote Character: Choose between a single quote (') or double quote (") style.
  5. Line Separator: What is to be used for a new line character.
    • \r = CR (Carriage Return) - Typically used in macOS 9 and earlier.
    • \n = LF (Line Feed) - Typically used in Unix/macOS.
    • \r\n = CR+LF (default) - Typically used in Windows.
  6. Include hidden columns: If a column is marked as "Hidden", and therefore does not appear in the viewable data view, this option will include them in the export.
  7. Save settings as default: Will save any changes made within this form as the default setting for the logged in user, thus saving time in future manual exports.
  8. Click Export to export the file, which will save the exported file to the default download location for your browser.

Save the Export

Save the Export

After entering the entering the Export Settings, another option instead of just exporting the actual file is to Save... the export. Choosing this option allows you to:

  1. Save the export settings as an Export Plan. This will allow you to use the Export Plan at a later time, to be used as part of a manual or scheduled Export Job.
  2. Save & Export does the same thing as saving as an export plan, but also exports the file for immediate use.