Software Overview

Information regarding software and web applications discovered by Asset Vision can be found in the Software section. These dashboards and reports provide physical and virtual software usage and licensable inventory information, and allow management of software license and entitlements, all stored securely in the Asset Vision database.

Software Overview

The Software page contains different dashboards and reports focused on software assets in the environment that have been discovered by Asset Vision, and includes the following sections:

  • Discovered Software: Access the automatically-populated IT asset register of Software. Create reports that displays operating systems, licensable inventory, and system vulnerabilities.
  • Software Usage: Reports that provide metrics on how software is being utilized within the environment.
  • Licenses and Entitlements: A comprehensive License Management system that allows procurement personnel to calculate liabilities against available entitlements.

Discovered Software

Discoverd Software

The Discovered Software sections provides information regarding all facets of software inventory in your environment. Software package information, including raw software information and normalized software products, operating system information, and Windows update reporting, can all be found in these reports. The Discovered Software Dashboard includes a few charts of interesting information around these metrics, as well as some quick-link buttons to get you to the sections you're interested in quickly.

  • Operating System reports help to identify what OS types have been detected in the organization. A breakdown of Windows, MacOS, Linux, and other operating system types, as well as used thin clients can be found here.
  • Software Products: Dashboards and reports that show discovered software products, as defined and normalized by Asset Vision Chaklun.
  • Software Signatures: Software Packages discovered by Asset Vision, appearing as named by the operating system on which they are installed (Add/Remove Programs, Programs and Features, etc.) are found in reports here.
  • Licensable Inventory: Discovered Software Products are listed in the Licensable Inventory section in reports that help you see where licensed software might be over-installed.
  • Assess Vulnerability: Provides reports that show assets that may be at a risk for security or virus and malware issues.


Software Usage

Software Usage

This section of Asset Vision provides information on Software usage allowing you to understand how software (and the hardware it runs on) is being utilized. Analyzing usage allows you to determine how your IT asset are being used and conversely which are not, providing the ability to identify savings.

  • Summary: Software Summary reports are based on Software Product usage information that has been prepared and presented to help eliminate duplicate product installations, and improve reporting performance for large data sets.
  • Physical: Reporting on software products or programs used from a physical computer
  • Virtual: Reports showing unique numbers of virtual desktop software product usage, and the associated users.
  • Web Usage: Usage from web applications, SaaS, and website hit counts.
  • Raw Data: Raw usage and inventory information regarding Software Programs (.exe)

Licenses and Entitlements

Licenses and Entitlements

Licenses and Entitlements (the new home for License Manager) allows a Software Asset Manager (SAM) to manage software licenses across an organization.

  • The Licenses Owned menu tab contains data views that that provide information on license entitlements that the user enters. It also gives users the ability to import data regarding the purchase of software and roll those purchases up, according to standard licensing rules into an effective license position.
  • The Licensable Inventory menu set represents all Licensable Products detected in the environment and how the License Liability for the product was assessed.
  • The License Assignment menu tab contains data that allows the user to able to make a clear distinction between License Liability and Assignment.
  • The Reconciliation Reports menu tab allows the user to run a variety of general and specific reports that provide valuable information regarding license position.