NEW for May 2019

Oracle Probe Enhancements

In response to customer feedback and market need, we have updated the collection data sets for our Oracle Database probe to include new data needed to deliver accurate information to License Management Services.  In addition, the enhancement gathers information to facilitate rightsizing recommendations from appropriate audit partners.

If you would like to enable this feature in your instance, please reach out to your Scalable representative.

New Scalable Branding Additions

Following the recent updates to our website and overall branding, we have applied a facelift to the new version of the Asset Vision UI to incorporate our new logos and color palette. This is just one step in our drive toward improving the look, feel and usability of Asset Vision.

Cloud Migration Dashboard

Addition of New Web Application Report Dashboard

Following the theme of identifying and representing “Shadow IT” in your estate, we have incorporated a new dashboard in the reports section to provide an insight into the usage of web applications as configured in your instance. This dashboard provides an overview of web app usage on your monitored devices with additional administrative shortcuts to related functions.

Salesforce Probe Updated to Include Last User Login Information

Improving the visibility of SaaS application licensing and usage is a key strategy for Asset Vision. The first innovation in this area is to collect additional information from our existing Salesforce integration. This information includes “Last User Login” to facilitate analysis of correctly used licenses.

Export Function Enhanced to Overcome Excel Limitations

It had been identified that when exporting data from Asset Vision views with large text fields (anything exceeding 32,579 characters), Excel would not handle the data gracefully as there is a limitation to the amount of data stored in a cell. Although the CSV format itself supports this data, we have implemented an “Excel Safe” default on exporting information to truncate data greater than this size. There is an option to override this behavior if necessary.