Asset Vision®Asset Vision® RegistryDiscovered SoftwareHow to Calculate and View Licensable Inventory

How to Calculate and View Licensable Inventory

This lesson contains information on the Licensable Inventory menu. From this menu the user is able to calculate licensable inventory for tagged and untagged software and view details of license metric counts for all licensable software to get a picture of exactly how many license have been consumed.

Licensable Inventory Dashboard

Licensable Inventory Dashboard

The dashboard at Registry > Discovered Software > Licensable Inventory contains information about licensable software in the environment. This dashboard has two widgets:

  • Metric Count by Vendor: Count of software metric by vendor.
  • Licensed Software by Install Date: Count of installed licensable software by install date.

Calculate Licensable Inventory

Calculate Licensable Inventory

This panel is where you set up Inventory Processing. It defines the set of machines whose basic inventory is used to calculate the Licensable Inventory.

  1. The channels to include are used to define the set of product installation channels that should be included in the inventory calculation. It may be that you only want to see volume or retail installations.
  2. Asset Vision® performs a detailed discovery of your estate. Different software products identify themselves in different ways. If the software product has a software tag (such as a Microsoft Digital Product ID) we can use that to identify the discovered software. For software without tags, we use standard normalization provided by the Scalable Chaklun catalog. You can choose to include or exclude tagged software from the calculation of inventory depending on your requirements. Asset Vision® also enables inventory collected via alternate discovery tools such as SCCM to be imported. Selecting Manual here will ensure that all imported inventory will also be included in the inventory calculation.
  3. Asset Vision® attempts to determine which country the inventory exists in. In the unlikely event it cannot determine the inventory country, this option enables a default country to be set
  4. By default Asset Vision® will calculate inventory based on on all machines discovered. However, it is possible to define a particular list of machines that inventory should be calculated from. The dataview option here will select a group of machines that should be included in the inventory calculation. The list can be further constrained by means of:
  5. A filter option on the data view.
  6. If you want to preview the list of machines that will be included in the inventory calculation select Preview. It is possible from here to modify the filter that is selected
  7. Once you are comfortable with the machine list to be includes, select Start Inventory Calculation and the Inventory Calculation will proceed.

Licensable Inventory

Licensable Inventory

The Licensable Inventory data view shows the results from running the inventory calculation on licensable software in previous step.