Asset Vision IAAsset Vision - MainSoftwareWeb UsageHow to View Website Discovery Details

How to View Website Discovery Details

The Optimize Reports in this section focus on reviewing URL hit counts and tracking usage for specific URL. These reports can be used to determine web applications that should be added and tracked in the future.

Website Discovery Overview

Website Discovery Overview

Clicking on this menu item container renders a dashboard that contains two widgets:

  • Daily URL Hits: Sum of the hit counts per URL address.
  • Top 25 Devices by URL Hit Count: Top devices that are accessing URL addresses.

Web Site Hit Count

Web Site Hit Count

This data view shows the raw URL hit count data. Scope by relative date range, total hit counts, url name, and computers. This data view displays the date of the last time the web url was accessed as well as how many times it was accessed (the hit count), and what device/user accessed that site.

Group by Primary User

Group by Primary User

To group by a Primary User, click the down arrow button on the right-hand side of the column and select Group By This Field.

Grouping by the Primary User column will allow the user to view all records that are attached to a unique Primary User.

Expand Group

Expand Group

Clicking the plus icon next to the Primary User will expand and show the records that are associated with that user.