How to Import Licenses

The lesson details how to Import raw license entitlement source data from text files, spreadsheets, or a database connection. Default Import Plans exist for importing from an MLS Transaction Data tab. Your account manager can also provide a generic license entitlement transactions spreadsheet template that can be used to format other source data for bulk import. Additional your account manager can help you create a custom Import Plan to map your source data for import into License Manager. (A detailed explanation of Asset Vision's importing process can be found in the Importing lessons.)

Navigate to the Import & Qualify Menu

Navigate to License Manager > Manage > Manage Licenses > Import and Qualify:

  1. Click the Add Licenses button at the bottom of the Entitlements Details data view.
  2. Select Import Bulk Licenses.

Import Now or Create New Import Plan

Import Now or Create New Import Plan

If the user selects Add Licenses > Import Bulk Licenses at the bottom of the Entitlement Details data view, they are given a popup that allows them to choose from a drop-down list of existing Import Plans or to create a new one.

  1. First choose a Data Format: File, Spreadsheet, or Database Connections.
  2. If the plan already exists the user can choose a file to upload, select an Import Plan from the drop-down list (Spreadsheet Import Plans for MLS and the template for License Entitlement Details template), and select Import Now.
  3. If the plan does not exist, the user has the option to enter a New Import Plan. The detailed lesson for creating an Import Plan is in the Import Plan lesson.

No processing is performed on the license entitlement transaction data during the import process. Once the data has been imported you will use the Qualify Licenses actions to first automatically associate the raw imported data with known Licensable Software in the Asset Vision Software Catalog. If an entry cannot be fully qualified automtically, then the manual qualification/bulk edit panel allows you to selecte a Software Catalog item as well as additional entitlement attributes such as Product Type and License Rule Metric.

Import Mapping for License Entitlement Details

Import Mapping for License Entitlement Details

If the user decides to set up an import plan to import their license entitlement details they will need to import data into "Imported" columns. The other columns are populated with sensitive data, so do not import into those. Qualification satisfies the step of associating imported data to qualified product and product type data.