How to Create and Edit Data Views

This lesson outlines how data views are created and some of the options available for configuring and securing access to data views. The lesson covers creating a data view from scratch. However, once you are familiar with the concepts of creating a data view from first principles it will be easy to edit an existing data view.

How to Create a New Data View

How to Create a New Data View
  1. Navigate to Admin > Data View Management
  2. You will see a list of all the data views in the system, with a selected data view structure shown in the right hand 'edit' panel
  3. You can new create a data view by selecting New. Import is an advanced option covered in another lesson.

Define the Data View

Define the Data View

Data View Settings Form:

  1. Data View Name: Give the data view a meaningful name.
  2. Base Table: Select an base table for the data view. Table choice is based on the main aims of the data view. Related and linked tables can also be shown, but there will be a single row in the data view for each row in the base table.
  3. Category: Categories can be optionally assigned. Categories are covered in a later lesson.
  4. Show Summary Footers: Check this box to show summary footers at the bottom of the data view.
  5. Show Fields Grouped: Check this box to group the fields by a column.
  6. Data View Icon: Select a Data View Icon from Asset Vision's icon list.
  7. Data View Description: It's good practice to provide a detailed description for the data view. This will help users of the data view understand what it's designed to show.
  8. Save: Save the basic data view information.

Understanding Data View Structure

Understanding Data View Structure
  1. After saving the basic data view information the data view editor panel will be presented. The saved name of the dataview appears in parenthesis.
  2. Select Edit Structure and the Structure Editor will appear.
  3. There are five sections that make up the structure of a data view (Columns will be discussed here, while the rest will be covered in other lessons):
    -- Columns
    -- Referrers
    -- Field Sets
    -- Scopes
    -- Actions
    The Column tab shows available columns on the left and selected columns on the right. The existing columns are from the original base table. Columns with folder icons represent links to tables other than the base table. Expanding the triangle next to a folder icon will reveal everything in the linked table. To move columns between the Available and Selected panes, highlight the column and select an arrow navigation icon, double-click the column, or drag the column to the desired location.
  4. Once you have that the columns selected you need, you can either Save the structure or add Referrers (related items) to the data view. Related items are tables that point to an individual row in the base table selected for this data view.
Adding Related Items
  1. With the Referrers tab selected you'll see the available related items.
  2. Select the the ones required from Available Related Items.
  3. Save to finish editing the data view structure.

Editing Data view information

Editing Labels etc

Base information about the data view itself, such as its name, base table, and base filters, are set in the Edit Info window.

  1. Click the Edit Info button.
  2. In the Edit Data View window, you can set the following options:
    • Data View Name
    • Base Table: The table that is referenced as the main table for the data view.
    • Show summary footers: Shows summary row for whole grid as footer.
    • Show fields grouped: When selected, when editing the data view, show fields grouped according to origin table.
    • Data View Icon: Icon appears next to the name when the data view is displayed.
    • Data View Description: appears below the name when the data view is displayed.
    • Criteria: Base filters that are enforced when the data view is displayed. While displaying the data view, these filters cannot be removed or altered, and do not appear in the Filters section.
  3. Click Save when finished when editing data view.



The user is able to save their personal settings on data views by clicking the Save Settings button at the bottom of the data view grid. A personalization includes ordering a column or changing the order of the columns.