Create a new Cloud Migration Project

Migration Project Details

Migration Dashboard - Create new migration project

To start a new Cloud Migration Project, click the Create new migration project tile button. The Migration Project Details wizard is presented.

Migration Project Details

The Migration Project Wizard is where all information regarding the migration project is entered. Below are details of the available optional/required fields:

  1. Project Name: Unique Name for the Migration Project
  2. Description: Free-form field to aid in identification of the specific project.
  3. Active: When checked, the project will be an active, working project. When unchecked, the project can be configured to completion, but will not actively process any assets or analysis.
  4. Destination: The Cloud Service to be used for hosting the assets. Options include:
    1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    2. Google Cloud Platform
    3. Microsoft Azure
  5. Project Deadline: The scheduled completion date of the migration.
  6. Performance Data: When enabled, the project will create a PAD scan job that will collect performance-related information of the related assets. Available options include:
    • CPU Usage
    • Memory Usage
    • Disk I/O
    • Performance Data Period: The length of time, in days, that the asset performance data collection should run.

Calculate Migration Costs

This section of the Migration Project Details page allows the user to specify known parameters that will apply to the cloud assets once they are established. The settings here will be used to determine the per-month estimated cost of the cloud assets as implemented. Depending on the provider selected for the Destination parameter above, different options will be available in the Cost Settings section. The options are provider-specific, and for the sake of consistency, are presented with the exact terminology used by the given provider.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS Options

AWS Cost Settings are as follows:

  1. Region: The physical location of the data center that will be the final destination of the migrated asset.
  2. Tenancy: Determines how the instance will reside in AWS.
  3. Instance Type: The type of instance that will be used for the migrated asset.
  4. Purchase Option: The payment terms of the AWS asset.
  5. Contract Length: Length of the Purchase Agreement (Reserved Instance only).
  6. Convertable: Offering class of the Reserved Instance. Leave unchecked if the offering class is Standard or Hardtop.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform Options

Google Cloud Platform Cost Settings are as follows:

  1. Region: The physical location of the data center that will be the final destination of the migrated asset.
  2. Usage Type: The instance purchase model that will be used for the migrated asset.
  3. Include OS License Price: Check if the an OS license will be included in the cost of the migrated asset.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Options

Microsoft Azure Cost Settings are as follows:

  1. Region: The physical location of the data center that will be the final destination of the migrated asset.
  2. Priority: The Azure Instance priority model that will be used for the migrated asset.

Migration Project Assets

Migration Project Assets

Once the Migration Project Details have been configured, clicking the Next button will advance the wizard to the Migration Project Assets page. This is where the assets that will be considered in this specific project will be selected. These assets are devices that have already been discovered via established device scan jobs. For more on configuring a device scan job, please see the Device Scan Job lesson.

To select the asset, simply check the box next to the asset name. Multiple assets can be selected, and filters can be used to limit what is shown in the data view to assist with the selection process.

After the assets have been selected, click Save and Finish. If the Performance option was selected in the previous steps, an Information pop-up window will appear:

Performance Info Options

From this window, required additional Performance options can be selected:

  • Repeat every: This specifies how often the PAD should take a performance reading of the specific assets. At each interval, the PAD will gather information regarding CPU, Memory, and Disk I/O usage (depending on what was selected previously). The Default, and minimum setting is 10. Maximum is 1440 minutes (equivalent to once/day).
  • PAD Host: Specifies which PAD will be used for the Migration Project, including performance monitoring. PAD selected should have network access to the selected assets.

Click OK when complete and create the project. This will also create the scan job for the performance monitoring.

Selecting No Thanks will save the project, but not create a scan job. To create the scan job, the migration project can be edited at a later time, at which this option will appear again.